Characteristic Residualized Change Score in Physical Activity(SD)(n = 3157) Residualized Change Score in Screen Time(SD)(n = 3157) Residualized Change Score in Sleep Duration(SD)(n = 3157) Residualized Change Score in Sleep Quality(SD)(n = 3045) Child’s sex (ref: girls) 0.033 (0.035) 0.056 (0.035) −0.032 (0.036) −0.003 (0.036) Child’s age, years (ref: 1 year) −0.121 *** (0.013) 0.155 *** (0.013) −0.047 *** (0.013) 0.019 (0.013) Caregiver’s sex (ref: woman) 0.201 * (0.098) −0.169 (0.098) −0.058 (0.098) 0.252 * (0.099) Caregiver’s age (ref: 18–<25 years)     ≥25–<35 years −0.104 (0.055) 0.096 (0.055) −0.077 (0.055) 0.064 (0.056)     ≥35–<45 years −0.244 *** (0.062) 0.216 ***(0.062) −0.113 (0.062) 0.093 (0.063)     ≥45 years −0.229 (0.145) −0.127 (0.145) −0.387 *** (0.145) 0.162 (0.146) Family income per month (ref: <530 USD)     ≥530–<1830 USD −0.058 (0.040) 0.056 (0.039) −0.016 (0.040) 0.109 ** (0.041)     ≥1830 USD −0.062 (0.040) 0.051 (0.051) −0.010 (0.052) 0.294 *** (0.053) Main caregiver’s level of education (ref: Incomplete high school)     Complete high school −0.182 (0.102) 0.177 (0.102) 0.013 (0.104) 0.121 (0.107)     Technical degree −0.300 ** (0.109) 0.282 ** (0.108) −0.099 (0.111) 0.104 (0.114)     University degree −0.371 *** (0.104) 0.271 ** (0.103) −0.093 (0.106) 0.122 (0.109) Children enrolled in ECEC (ref: no)     Yes −0.195 *** (0.048) 0.391 *** (0.048) 0.078 (0.049) −0.032 (0.050) Dwelling type (ref: House)     Apartment −0.404 *** (0.049) 0.226 *** (0.049) −0.089 (0.051) −0.109 * (0.051)     Other 0.114 (0.098) −0.219 * (0.098) 0.030 (0.100) 0.031 (0.101) Number of people per home (ref: ≤3)     4 0.058 (0.042) −0.088 * (0.042) −0.085 * (0.043) −0.009 (0.044)     ≥5 0.115 ** (0.043) −0.112 ** (0.043) 0.004 (0.044) −0.049 (0.045) Children per home (ref: 1 child)     2 children 0.112 ** (0.038) −0.021 (0.038) −0.015 (0.039) −0.023 (0.040)     3 or more 0.124 * (0.053) −0.025 (0.053) 0.067 (0.054) 0.006 (0.055) Squared meters per person at home (ref: <11.7 m2 per person)     ≥11.7–<18.3 m2 per person −0.042 (0.052) 0.049 (0.051) −0.074 (0.052) 0.051 (0.053)     ≥18.3–<25 m2 per person −0.038 (0.053) 0.079 (0.053) −0.025 (0.054) 0.087 (0.055)     ≥25 m2 per person 0.053 (0.053) −0.007 (0.053) 0.025 (0.054) 0.158 ** (0.055) Available space to play (ref: no)     Yes 0.546 *** (0.067) −0.398 *** (0.067) −0.057 (0.069) 0.396 *** (0.070) Living area (ref: urban)     Rural 0.563 *** (0.055) −0.278 *** (0.055) 0.102 (0.056) 0.120 * (0.057) Lockdown (ref: no) −0.074 (0.042) 0.050 (0.041) −0.076 (0.042) −0.076 (0.043)