Table 1 Sample characteristics. Total(n = 3157) Boys(n = 1597) Girls(n = 1560) p a Children’s age, mean years (SD) 3.1 (1.38) 3.1 (1.38) 3.1 (1.38) 0.459 Children’s age, n(%)     1–2 y 1243 (39.4) 635 (39.8) 608 (39.0) 0.833     3–4 y 1345 (42.6) 672 (42.1) 673 (43.1)     5 y 569 (18.0) 290 (18.1) 279 (17.9) Main caregiver’s sex, woman, n (%) 3048 (96.6) 1523 (95.4) 1525 (97.8) <0.001 Main caregiver’s age, mean years (SD) 31.4 (6.06) 31.2 (6.01) 31.6 (6.10) 0.098 Main caregiver’s age category, n (%)     ≥18–<25 years 440 (13.9) 236 (14.8) 204 (13.1) 0.076     ≥25–<35 years 1769 (56.0) 888 (55.6) 881 (56.5)     ≥35–<45 years 894 (28.3) 454 (28.4) 440 (28.2)     ≥45 years 54 (1.7) 19 (1.2) 35 (2.2) Family’s monthly income, n (%)     <530 USD 1201 (32.3) 504 (31.6) 517 (33.1) 0.589     ≥530–<1830 USD 1546 (49.0) 787 (49.3) 759 (48.7)     ≥1830 USD 590 (18.7) 300 (19.1) 284 (18.2) Main caregiver’s level of education, n (%)     Incomplete high school 102 (3.2) 49 (3.1) 53 (3.4) 0.716     Complete high school 982 (31.1) 499 (31.2) 483 (31.0)     Technical degree 420 (13.3) 222 (13.9) 198 (12.7)     University degree 1653 (52.4) 827 (51.8) 826 (52.9) Children enrolled in ECEC, yes, n (%)     1- to 2-year-old 699 (28.1) 366 (29.1) 333 (27.1) 0.247     3- to 5-year-old 1786 (71.9) 891 (70.9) 895 (72.9) Dwelling type, n (%)     House 2576 (81.6) 1310 (82.0) 1266 (81.1) 0.696     Apartment 475 (15.0) 232 (14.5) 243 (15.6)     Other 106 (3.4) 55 (3.4) 51 (3.3) Home size, n (%)     <50 m2 810 (25.7) 424 (26.6) 386 (24.7) 0.458     50 to <100 m2 1607 (50.9) 798 (50.0) 809 (51.9)     ≥100 m2 740 (23.4) 375 (23.5) 365 (23.4) Number of people per home, mean (SD) 4.1 (1.40) 4.2 (1.48) 4.1 (1.31) 0.013 Number of children per home, mean (SD) 1.7 (0.82) 1.6 (0.76) 1.7 (0.88) 0.004 Children per home, n (%)     1 child 1511 (47.9) 778 (48.7) 733 (47.0) 0.026     2 children 1190 (37.7) 615 (38.5) 575 (36.9)     3 or more 456 (14.4) 204 (12.8) 252 (16.1) Squared meters per person at home, n (%)     <11.7 m2 per person 802 (25.4) 393 (24.6) 409 (26.2) 0.530     ≥11.7 to <18.3 m2 per person 724 (22.9) 373 (23.4) 351 (22.5)     ≥18.3 to <25 m2 per person 721 (22.8) 357 (22.3) 364 (23.3)     ≥25 m2 per person 910 (28.8) 474 (29.7) 436 (28.0) Available space to play, n (%)     Yes 2926 (92.7) 1481 (92.7) 1445 (92.6) 0.907 Living area, n (%)     Urban 2797 (88.6) 1410 (88.3) 1387 (88.9) 0.584     Rural 360 (11.4) 187 (11.7) 173 (11.1) Lockdown, n(%)     Yes 2409 (76.3) 1211 (75.8) 1198 (76.8) 0.524 Number of days, mean (SD) 23.5 (7.26) 23.267 (7.37) 23.2 (7.15) 0.786 Abbreviations: ECEC, early childhood care and education centers; USD, United States dollar. a: significance when comparing characteristics between boys and girls.