SM could capture the change of mood, values and attitudes of the public, which is particularly important for managers to understand the importance of social media platform [34]. During emergency management, with the help of SM, teasing out the timing of the crisis and understanding that kind of information is useful to the public would be helpful for the crisis management job. In a public crisis, the identification of what kind of information the public need is an essential aspect of the emergency response. It will also be important to define the different phases based on the behavior of the public and the characteristics of the event. According to Fink [35], crisis management focuses on a comprehensive process, which also is described as the theory of crisis lifecycle. Crisis moves through several stages with disparate characteristics and requirements for governments and first responders. There are various theories of the communication and crisis development of, for example, the three-stage model [36], the four-stage lifecycle [35], or the five stages of a crisis lifecycle [37]. Coombs provides an overview of his own three-stage crisis development model: pre-crisis (detection, prevention, and preparation), crisis (recognition and containment), and post-crisis. Some scholars differentiated four stages in a crisis lifecycle: two pre-crisis phases (mitigation and preparedness) and two post-crisis phases (response and recovery) [38].