Combining the behavior of the government and the public, we distributed the first 4 groups (31 December 2019 to 19 January 2020) as the development period, between group 5 to group 12 is the outbreak period (20 January 2020 to 28 February 2020). And the period from 29 February 2020 to 19 April 2020, the last 10 groups was regarded as a grace period. At the first stage, the public was aware of this new crisis and showed considerable attention, they tend to repost to tell others some news of the new unknown virus. However, when no more information came out, public attention was not continuable and phased down quickly. This was later seen as a failure of crisis management in the early stage. With the outbreak period, both the government and the public paid much more attention than before, people would like to talk with others through online comments to gather more information, and relieve their emotion or support the government action through thump-up. As the crisis became under control and the situation was improved, although there were some small range fluctuations, the crisis came into a grace period as a whole. However, people in this period were vigilant about the crisis, any sensitive information could trigger a large-scale spread. For example, in group 19, there was a rumor about new cases in Wuhan, people panicked again, and when the government quickly clarified the fake news, the effect was stopped immediately.