Table 1 Descriptive statistics of the study variables (N = 201). Background Characteristics N Valid % Mean SD Range Gender Male 96 47.8 Female 105 52.2 Health status 3.61 1.15 1–5 Age 74.3 6.3 Education 10.0 4.0 Marital status No partner 54 26.9 Has a partner 143 71.1 Missing value 4 2.0 Independent variable Loneliness feelings 2.2 1.1 1–4 Mediators Depressive symptoms 4.77 3.2 0–15 Malnutrition 6.82 4.3 0–20 Dependent variable Subjective age during COVID-19 1 pandemic 2.94 1.73 0–5 1 Coronavirus disease.