3.4. Mediators 3.4.1. Depressive Symptoms Depressive symptoms were measured using the GDS (Geriatrics Depression Scale; [61]). This questionnaire was chosen because it is a simple and reliable tool that allows the examination of depressive symptoms among older adults without requiring a professional interviewer. The instrument is composed of 15 items in a yes (1)/no (2) response format. The internal reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) was 0.80. 3.4.2. Malnutrition Malnutrition was measured using the NSI (Determine Nutrition Screening Initiative) instrument, developed by the American Diabetes Association, the American Family Doctors Association, and the National Council of Old Age to detect older adults at risk for malnutrition. The questionnaire is composed of 10 items, in a yes (with changing scores)/no (0) response format.