According to the Italian Ministry of Health, the health services and policies are the same in the Italian regions, but some independent regional choices are allowed. In the North, Lombardia ran fewer tests than Veneto and Emilia Romagna. These regions adopted proactive testing modalities and treatment strategies, testing a large number of people and treating positive patients with mild symptoms at home. Therefore, we chose to compare Lombardia and Veneto. Veneto is geographically next to Lombardia, they both have a mix of large cities and small towns and, with respect to population, Lombardia is the largest (10 million) and Veneto is the 5th largest region in Italy (nearly 5 million). The other two regions also include some large cities (Rome in Lazio and Naples in Campania) and are relatively large (5.8 million each). From 17 May 2020 the government passed responsibility to single regions under the overall supervision of the Ministry of Health [18]; different measures in different regions were motivated by the underlying infections and death trends.