Supplementary Materials The following are available online at, Table S1: Age; Table S2: Ethnicity (frequencies); Table S3: Level of education (frequencies); Table S4: Occupation (frequencies); Table S5: Income (frequencies); Table S6: Financial concern (1–10); Table S7: Religious belief (frequencies); Table S8: Marital status (frequencies); Table S9: Individual and family health issues (frequencies); Table S10: COVID-19-related anxiety (0–100); Table S11: Perceived personal risk in the next 30 days (0–100); Table S12: COVID-19 total participants tested and confirmed cases (participants, relatives, friends); Table S13: Patient health questionnaire (PHQ-15, range: 0–30); Table S14: PHQ-15, pain symptoms (range 0–6); Table S15: Gastrointestinal symptoms (range 0–8); Table S16: PHQ-15, cardiopulmonary symptoms (range 0–8); Table S17: PHQ-15, fatigue symptoms (range 0–4); Table S18: Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9, range 0–27); Table S19: International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ, range 0–36); Table S20: Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item Scale (GAD-7, range 0–21). Click here for additional data file.