Frequency of Antibody Tests Completed Step Predictor β B Basis Step 1 (forced entry) Gender + 0.052 0.263 0.405 Year of Study −0.648 *** −0.832 0.103 ∆R2 0.431 *** Step 2 (stepwise) Gender 0.082 0.415 0.388 Year of Study −0.609 *** −0.781 0.099 Anxiety (GAD-7) −0.247 ** −0.099 0.031 ∆R2 0.059 ** Step 3 (stepwise) Gender 0.021 0.109 0.374 Year of Study −0.674 *** −0.865 0.096 Anxiety (GAD-7) −0.413 *** −0.165 0.034 Worry about getting COVID-19 0.326 *** 1.111 0.306 ∆R2 0.066 *** Step 4 (stepwise) Gender 0.021 0.108 0.363 Year of Study −0.590 *** −0.757 0.102 Anxiety (GAD-7) −0.345 *** −0.137 0.035 Worry about getting COVID-19 0.296 *** 1.010 0.300 Satisfaction with the location of drop-off location −0.203 * −0.615 0.243 ∆R2 0.03 * Step 5 (stepwise) Gender 0.078 0.395 0.382 Year of Study −0.584 *** −0.749 0.100 Anxiety (GAD-7) −0.310 *** −0.124 0.035 Worry about getting COVID-19 0.257 ** 0.876 0.301 Satisfaction with the location of drop-off location −0.205 8 −0.620 0.239 Confidence in outcome test result ++ −0.153 8 −0.895 0.431 ∆R2 0.02 * (Constant) 6.22 0.938