1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Frequency of antibody tests completed 1 −0.071 −0.220 * −0.226 * −0.318 ** −0.169 −0.137 −0.533 ** 2. Worry about getting COVID-19 1 0.533 ** −0.014 0.148 −0.065 −0.042 0.152 3. Worry about friends and family getting COVID-19 1 0.023 0.139 0.159 −0.131 0.216 * 4. Satisfaction with overall P-ATS information received 1 0.608 ** 0.07 0.317 ** 0.259 * 5. Satisfaction with how overall P-ATS information was communicated 1 0.015 0.272 ** 0.403 *** 6. Gained new knowledge through P-ATS 1 −0.01 0.194 7. Confidence in test outcomes + 1 0.013 8. Satisfaction with drop-off location + 1