Thing Datastream Sensor ObservedProperty Observation FeatureOfInterest Name Description Observation Type Name Description Name Description Result Phenomentime Name Description IndoorGML cell name: Room326 Duration Duration spent closed by the Thing OM_Count Observation Smartphone Galaxy S9+ Time Total time user was in the Thing in seconds 300 2020-06-08T23:14:09.438Z IndoorGML cell name: Room326 Meeting Room 3rd floor Beacon Proximity The ID broadcasted by the closest beacon OM_ Observation Smartphone Galaxy S9+ Beacon ID The beacon ID for the closest beacon “uBFLQX2nXc5D3cS1” Activity Type The type of activity that was chosen by the user OM_ Observation Smartphone Galaxy S9+ Activity Type The type of activity that was chosen by the user Cleaning Entrance Time The time that the user enters the proximity zone of the beacon OM_ Observation Smartphone Galaxy S9+ Entrance Time The time that the user enters the proximity zone of the beacon 2020-06-08T23:09:09.438Z Cough Audio The number of coughs detected by using the AI sound subsystem OM_Count Observation SunFounder Mini Microphone SunFounder USB2.0 Mini Mic for Raspberry Pi4 Model B Coughs Audio The number of coughs detected by the audio subsystem 3 Cough Video The number of coughs detected by the AI video subsystem OM_Count Observation Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 connected to Jetson Xavier NX Coughs Video The number of coughs detected by the AI video subsystem 3 Video Proximity The number of social distance violations detected by the AI video subsystem OM_Count Observation Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 connected to Jetson Xavier NX Violation Count The number of social distance violations detected by the AI video subsystem 4 Video Touch The number of touches detected by the AI video subsystem OM_Count Observation Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 connected to Jetson Xavier NX Touch Count The number of touches detected by the AI video subsystem 2