Depending on the size of the data, type of beacons, and network bandwidth, mobile proximity detection performance may differ. In our experiment, various beacons such as Estimote (, Accent Systems ( and Radius Networks ( have been evaluated using the developed app on the Samsung Galaxy S9 smartphone. Our results demonstrated that the app could capture a beacon’s proximity of fewer than 60 milliseconds, which is enough for our case study. The complexity of the position determination depends on the beacon software development kit; however, the complexity is O(n) in the worst-case scenario. Concerning the duration spent in a room, we detected and recorded durations of less than five seconds when walking past beacons in a corridor. Significance of time for the sake of COVID-19 risk was not considered important for durations less than 15 min, which was standard practice. So, our sampling and recording intervals were much better than was required for COVID-19 risk evaluation.