As we progress with COVID, various criteria have been introduced and evaluated in COVID-19 spread risk [54,55]. Transmission ways of coronavirus and prioritizing their importance are still under debate and more studies are underway to understand transmission ways better [56]. Although the risk calculation could be very complicated based on time, room volume, air circulation, etc. [57,58], our research’s scope includes a general risk assessment function which is a simple weighted average. The COVID-19 viral load risk function was modelled using a weighted average of risky criteria (as mentioned above) over each IndoorGML node (e.g., a meeting room). For the initial prototype calculation of risk, Equation (1) was used:(1) { RiskCOVID19 = W1C1+W2C2+W3C3+W4C4W1=W2=W3=W4=1, to simplify the model