1. Introduction Monitoring both “person-to-person” and “person-to-place” interactions is a critical issue for post COVID-19 reopenings [1,2]. Although person-to-person contact is a major factor of virus spread, recent studies have shown that a person can be infected even after the infected person has left the room [2,3]. When sharing the same indoor space, close contact can cause viruses to spread via air, objects, or floor, even after two to three days if the recommended protective equipment is not used, or disinfection is not carried out [4]. Geospatial information integrated into unified Internet of COVID-19 solutions plays an important role in monitoring the pattern of COVID-19 spread considering both infected “people” and “places”, and duration of contact. Such unified geospatial-enabled IoT solutions can be leveraged to understand the impact of virus spread for handling outbreaks, as well as, timely resource planning and allocation [5] on a cross-organizational scale [6,7,8,9]. There are many ad hoc Internet of COVID-19 solutions for combating the COVID-19 pandemic that use various sensor-based technologies [7,10,11,12,13,14]. An important way to evaluate and limit the spread of COVID-19 using the IoT is through the use of digital contact tracing solutions [14,15]. Digital contact tracing uses various combinations of close-range, proximity-based sensing technologies, such as smartphones, wearables [16], Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons [14], and positioning-based solutions [17] that use anonymous or randomly coded locations [11]. Regardless of the choice of technology, they all share the same goal: To identify and inform those who may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus, or those who are in the high-risk category, so that they can take appropriate actions such as isolation, care, and treatment [18]. In addition to contact tracing apps, ongoing effort is being made to monitor post COVID-19 measures using the IoT [10,11,12,13]. However, these ad hoc IoT solutions are unable to interoperate with each other as they are developed using different sensors, data models, communication protocols, and applications without any interoperable way to interconnect these heterogeneous systems and exchange data. The major goal of this research is to design, implement, and evaluate an interoperable, standard-based, scalable IoT architecture for integrating the disparate Internet of COVID-19 Things (IoCT). This paper proposed an effective post COVID-19 information system for evaluating transmission risk for both people and places using disparate IoT systems, e.g., proximity-based beacons or Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-based tracking, camera-based COVID-19 risky behavior detection, and contextual indoor geospatial information. A low-cost, multi-sensor, real-time IoCT was deployed that can be rapidly applied to different COVID-19 workplace reopening scenarios such as schools, office management systems, and smart cities. The proposed IoCT was employed to identify and limit the risk pattern of COVID-19 transmission especially within enclosed buildings. The risk of COVID-19 spread inside buildings from person-to-person and person-to-place interactions when taking into consideration different distances, durations, and types of activities (e.g., disinfecting activities) was modelled using the IndoorGML graph data model [19,20]. This research presents the innovative use of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) [21] SensorThings Application Programming Interface (API) [22,23], as well as, the IndoorGML that uses Poincare duality to geo-reference IoT sensor observations for both 3D spaces and Node-Relation graphs in topology space. Our paper also argues that the integration of the IndoorGML and SensorThings API is critical for effective COVID-19 risk analysis and visualization. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first real-world implementation of the SensorThings API (STA) and IndoorGML. In order to validate the IoCT, an integrated COVID-19 solution was deployed and evaluated to monitor and analyze the risks of COVID-19 transmission in workplace reopening. For example, the following criteria may increase the risk of COVID-19 spread in an office room: If the room was used and the density of people was not regulated; if a sick person was present; or if people were not following social distancing rules etc. The proposed IoCT is able to access the risk history of each room using BLE proximity, deep learning-enabled cameras, and smart audio sensors. If the risk of spread in some rooms were high, appropriate alerts would be sent and received to shut down and disinfect the actionable list of contaminated places in order to prevent further transmission. This proposed IoCT was deployed using hybrid edge and cloud computing. The Calgary Centre for Innovative Technology (CCIT) building (with an area of 9530 m2) located in the University of Calgary campus [24] was used for a real-life testing scenario. The outcome of this solution will be useful for the protection of building staff and visitors as it integrates information-based solutions for real-time situational awareness and early warnings. The IoCT improves both the quality and speed of pandemic emergency response by enabling IoT system interoperability and unlocking necessary information for real-time decision making. The use of open-source software as well as the standard nature of this research boosts its usability as an international tool during the COVID-19 pandemic. In summary, the main contributions of this work are: (1) The innovative implementation of the SensorThings API and IndoorGML for analyzing indoor COVID-19 spreading risk patterns; (2) Deploying and validating a low-cost, standard-based, real-time IoCT for COVID-19 situational awareness that adheres to open IoT paradigms with interoperable agile access to individual COVID-19 sensor data; and (3) Evaluating person-to-place COVID-19 workplace reopening scenarios for the first time using an open geospatial-based IoT. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents background information on IoCT conceptual modelling using new trends in geospatial open standards; Section 3 presents the architecture proposal for the IoCT platform; Section 4 details the proof of concept of our architecture proposal using a workplace reopening scenario; Section 5 discusses the experimental results of the IoCT with the use of various sensors; and finally, this paper finishes with conclusions and an overview of future work in Section 6.