2.1. Survey Methodology A random selection of 81,170 individuals from a total of 224,000 adult inhabitants in Bergen, Norway, were invited to participate in a survey assessing the consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak and the NPIs that were implemented. NPIs included social distancing and quarantine, travel restrictions, closing of schools and universities, mandated use of home office, restrictions on the use of public space and closed social arenas for sports, leisure, and culture activities. Participants were drawn from a contact register through the Norwegian Digitalization Agency. The questionnaire was sent to invitees by email through the web-based questionnaire tool SurveyXact. Data were collected between 15 April and 30 April. During the study period, restrictions and policies regarding the lockdown remained mainly unaltered in Norway. In total, 29,535 (36%) individuals agreed to participate in the study, and among these, 24,968 (84%) completed questionnaire items relevant to this study.