Strengths and limitations Our study provides an overview of the prevalence of emotional eating and its association with worry and psychological distress on a large scale amid a worldwide state of emergency. One strength of this study is its large sample size, allowing analyses with high precision and statistical power. Moreover, the study period coincided with the most invasive implementation of NPIs in Norway yet, and this offers insight into a phase that exemplifies the impact of a large-scale pandemic. One inherent limitation of this study is its cross-sectional design, limiting causal inferences. This also prevents us from drawing conclusions about the effect of COVID-19 and related exposures on outcomes, specifically. Another limitation of this study is that it relies on self-report and therefore is subject to recall bias and dependent on the participants’ own insights. It is also based on relatively few, but validated, questions related to eating habits and could therefore provide a limited range of detail and nuance compared to a larger questionnaire. There is also an inherent selection bias in our study due to the questionnaire being written in Norwegian and distributed solely through digital means, which excludes people without access to the internet and with limited proficiency in the Norwegian language—e.g., elderly inhabitants and first-generation immigrants. Moreover, the senior citizens that did participate in this study are likely more self-reliant and healthier than those in the same age group that were unable to participate, providing a potentially unbalanced view of the oldest age group.