Enter period 1. (a) Each individual node with information sends out information to neighbors. (b) Each individual node will update its information (weighted) based on Equation (1). (c) The government initiates a censoring and screening and enters stage d after a lag period, only for the first time does it receive the above-threshold information. If the government never receives above-threshold information, skip c, d, and go to e. (d) Government discloses information to the public, which induces another round of information update for individual nodes based on Equation (2). (e) The population is grouped into infected and healthy people by health status, and into panic-prone and non panic-prone by how much information one has compared with the individual threshold. (f) Each individual node moves in a physical layer following the routine of the subgroup it is in with probability based on its final information. (g) Reset the infection status of healthy individual within the transmission radius of an infected one according to the infection probability.