Table A9 Results of Multivariate Regression Analysis Models, with Quality of Sleep as Dependent Variable and Feeling of Uncertainty and Sociodemographic Characteristics as Independent Variables. 95% Confidence Interval Predictor Estimate SE Z p Odds Ratio Lower Upper Intercept −1.874 0.383 −4.893 <0.001 0.154 0.0725 0.325 Sex  Male–Female −0.651 0.252 −2.577 0.010 0.522 0.3181 0.856 Age class  Aged–Adult −0.816 0.398 −2.051 0.040 0.442 0.2028 0.964  Middle-aged adult −0.144 0.188 −0.769 0.442 0.866 0.5994 1.250 Education level  High–Low −1.119 0.351 −3.191 0.001 0.327 0.1643 0.649  Medium–Low −0.770 0.341 −2.259 0.024 0.463 0.2375 0.903 Uncertainty  Yes–No 1.000 0.206 4.853 <0.001 2.717 1.8146 4.069 Note. Estimates represent the log odds of “good sleep quality category” versus “poor sleep quality category”.