Limitations and Strengths The results of this study should be interpreted with caution as they derive from a cross-sectional design, which makes causal inferencing challenging. Moreover, the survey sampling was based on an online invitation, which does not allow for generalization because the population that does not use the Internet was not explored. Indeed, a recruitment bias emerged in our sample, as females and working-age individuals with a high education level are overrepresented compared to the general Italian population. While the overrepresentation of females is a feature common to other similar studies [2,9,16,20,28,30], it is likely that the biases observed in age and education reflect a high level of adhesion of participants who are also healthcare professionals or administrative staff of the LHA or of the major municipalities of the Province of Reggio Emilia, which disseminated the survey through their social media and websites. Moreover, the outcome of interest and data related to predictive variables were collected through self-reporting rather than through a valid survey or clinical assessment. This was because, as we wanted to capture the changes that occurred during lockdown through a cross-sectional design, we chose specific questions to comply with this purpose. Finally, we decided to observe the association between each change occurring during the lockdown, adjusting only for those variables that certainly could not change during the study period and cannot be intermediate effectors of the other putative exposure. However, this approach does not allow us to rule out that some of the observed associations were not independent and could have been due to confounding or could have been mediated by other putative exposures. Despite these limitations, this study had a relatively high acceptance in our community. The sampling strategy allowed us to collect data from quite a large sample, which in fact numerically mirrors that investigated by other similar study designs conducted to explore the same theme [9,15,28,30]. Further, this was the only sampling method feasible during lockdown.