In summary, inefficient data sharing, irreproducibility of published work, high cost, high failure rates, and slow pace remain as significant challenges for the drug discovery and development process. Over the past few years, many research institutions around the world have developed an infrastructure in collaboration with pharma companies, peer research laboratories/institutions, government/philanthropy organizations to crowdsource resources, share knowledge and assess risk. The idea was mooted with the formation of the Academic Drug Discovery Consortium (ADCC) that aims at nurturing the academic drug discovery centers in the USA [46]. ADCC initiated a collaborative network to facilitate exchange of expertise and technical know-how, and the formation of partnerships among the participating organizations including industry. In addition to academic drug discovery centers, independent researchers around the globe have registered from various organizations, including universities, pharmaceutical companies, government institutions and diseases foundations. Many companies have also approached the ADDC for assistance in designing specific disease/ drug research areas [46]. The success of ADCC emphasizes the need for networking/ collaboration to harness the best possible avenues in the most cost-effective way for the rapid discovery of novel and effective medicines.