The combination of basic research and innovation is arguably one of the greatest catalysts in creating a paradigm shift in drug discovery. From the accidental discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming’s and Warfarin by Karl Link while investigating hemorrhaging cattle to the more recent discovery and development of the CRISPR/Cas9, basic research and innovation are fundamental to the drug discovery process. No one could have envisioned that a routine effort to sequence bacterial genomes to improve yogurt production would ultimately lead to the development of CRISPR/Cas9, the revolutionary gene-editing tool with its seemingly endless utilities and applications [40]. Basic research continues to expand our understanding of fundamental biological processes which in turn paves the way to innovation in translational research and opens up exciting new arenas in personalized and targeted therapies such as gene and cell-based therapies [41]. While these innovations are still in their infancy [42] and come with a high cost [43], they hold significant promise with some exciting trial reports beginning to roll in [44]. With at least 5 clinical trials evaluating cell-based therapy to treat COVID-19, this approach along with gene therapy are likely to transform treatment options as we move into the future [45].