Table 1 Number of cases from four public data sets and the Youan hospital (X-data, CT-data, clinical indicator data). Study X-data CT-data Clinical data Train + Val Test Train + Val Test Train + Val Test *Normal (RSNA + LUNA16) 5000 100 100 20 – – Pneumonia (RSNA + ICNP) 3000 100 83 20 – – COVID-19 (CCD) 150 62 – – – – Influenza (Youan Hospital) 100 45 35 15 – – *Normal (Youan Hospital) 478 25 139 20 – – Pneumonia (Youan Hospital) 380 55 180 35 – – COVID-19 (Youan Hospital) 35 10 75 20 75 20 Total 9143 397 612 130 75 20 The term *Normal in this work means the cases where the lungs are not manifest evidence of COVID-19, influenza, or pneumonia on imaging and the RT-PCR testing of the COVID-19 is negative.