In the first half of 2020, the total number of articles published on PubMed equaled 858,641. Overall, we identified 27,815 articles on COVID-19, which constitutes 3.24% of all publication in this time. Among those we found 18,225 (65.52%) original articles, 2,449 (8.8%) reviews, 69 (0.25%) systematic reviews with meta-analysis, and 171 (0.61%) guidelines. The remaining 6,901 (24.81%) positions were letters to the editors, commentaries, errata, or unclassified. In a per-month analysis we found that in January, two articles (0.007%) on COVID-19 were indexed, 37 (0.13%) in February, 620 (2.23%) in March, 2,514 (9.04%) in April, 5,527 (19.87%) in May, and 18,596 (66.85%) in June. From those articles, we retrieved n = 519 preprint publications (n = 319 from medRxiv and n = 200 from bioRxiv).