In a peritonitis model, the in vivo RvD3 levels after zymosan A challenge increases significantly up to 48 hours after inflammation initiation, while RvD1, RvD2, and RvD5 peak at the early stages of the inflammation termination phase (6–24 hours) (Dalli et al. 2013b). RvD3 appears to be produced by a subpopulation of macrophages with high 15-LOX activity (Dalli et al. 2013b). In vivo production of RvD4 in an Staphylococcus aureus injected the dorsal pouch infection model continues for more than 72 hours after sustained release, suggesting that RvD is produced continuously and is under different control from other Rvs (Winkler et al. 2016). RvD6 kinetics have not been reported yet.