It is especially important to discuss possible methods to reduce the impact of PPE-induced headaches. Our findings are in agreement with multiple studies showing that headache triggers are often associated with a change in homeostasis, underscoring the importance of addressing these factors to optimise headache control.37 For example, encouraging the use of powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs) is a method for healthcare workers working in high-risk areas and for long periods, since the PAPR provides additional safety and reduces the accumulation of CO2. On the other hand, we recognise that the conventional N95 face mask fit considers only the overall fit factor and does not take into account the level of tolerability, especially when worn for long periods of time. Since current mask designs can cause headaches and affect compliance, the administrators should think about devising new work schedules for healthcare workers (like shorter working hours) and for people who need to wear a filter mask.38 Through novel engineering solutions, next-generation face masks need to be better designed with priority on tolerability and less predisposed to headache.