Hyperinflammatory condition mediated by cytokines, chemokines and associated proinflammatory molecules which are secreted by both innate and adaptive immune cells. However, during COVID-19, the relative contribution of adaptive immune cells towards proinflammatory molecules is still emerging, while the published studies suggest a complex interplay. Profiling of 21 cytokines and chemokines in 39 patients and 24 healthy controls revealed increased levels of TH1 specific cytokines like IFN-γ, IL-2, and IL-12, and TH17 specific IL-17 in peripheral blood. In comparison to the mild cases (n = 19), patients with severe disease (n = 10) condition had increased levels of these cytokines. The limitation of this study was that the median age of severe cases was higher than in mild cases (Song et al., 2020).