Overall, 178 (13.3%) hospitals encouraged skin-to-skin contact between mothers with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and their newborns immediately after birth, and 883 (66.1%) decided this on a case-by-case basis; 187 (14.0%) hospitals discouraged, and 87 (6.5%) prohibited skin-to-skin contact between mothers with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and their newborns. Approximately one half of hospitals (726; 54.4%) encouraged rooming-in for mothers with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, with precautions to maintain distance, whereas 504 (37.8%) discouraged and 70 (5.3%) prohibited rooming-in. Approximately two thirds of hospitals supported direct breastfeeding with precautions (e.g., mask use and handwashing) for mothers with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 (893; 66.9%), whereas 268 (20.1%) discouraged direct breastfeeding but would allow it according to mother’s choice, and 170 (12.7%) did not support direct breastfeeding but encouraged expressed breast milk feeding by a healthy caregiver. When mothers with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 were not breastfeeding directly, 438 (33.3%) hospitals reported supporting expression of breast milk within 1 hour of birth, and 645 (49.0%) within 1–3 hours.