Relative humidity U-shaped patterns in the viability of MS2 against RH were observed in droplets composed of salt and surfactant, as well as in pH-adjusted droplets. Specifically, the relative viability of MS2 was lowest at 50% RH, while it was significantly higher at RHs of 20 and 80%. A different pattern was observed for the viability of MS2 in droplets containing protein, in which the relative viability of MS2 generally increased as RH increased. Two-way ANOVA indicated that there was a main effect of RH, but not salt or pH, on the viability of MS2 in droplets. In droplets composed of protein and surfactant, both RH and droplet composition (i.e., protein and surfactant) had a statistically significant effect on the relative viability of MS2. Meanwhile, there was an interaction effect between RH and droplet composition on the viability of MS2 in droplets containing salt, protein, and surfactant, but not between RH and the pH of droplet media. The effect of RH on the viability of Φ6 was different from that on MS2. Instead of following a U-shaped pattern, the viability of Φ6 generally decreased as RH increased in droplets containing salt and surfactant, and in pH-adjusted droplets. The pattern was slightly different for droplets containing protein due to the protective effect from BSA, which made the trend more U-shaped. Statistical analysis suggests that there was a main effect of RH on the viability of Φ6 in droplets composed of surfactant. There was an interaction effect between RH and salt, protein, and pH on the survival of Φ6, respectively.