Sialyl glycans and proteins on the epithelial cell surface that are important determinants for IAV and CoV infections. (a) Sialyl glycan receptors of IAVs and CoVs. Whereas most IAV HAs prefer the most common Sia, Neu5Ac, over Neu5Gc as a receptor [192], HCoV-OC43 and -HKU1 S1-NTDs recognize Neu5Ac modified with an O-acetyl group at the C9-position (R1), Neu5,9Ac2 [92,193]. It is well known that sialyl linkage at the C2-position (R2) is a key host determinant of IAVs and that change of their binding preference from α2,3 to α2,6 is a critical factor of avian-to-human host switch [10]. In contrast, there has not been sufficient study on the linkage specificity of HCoV-OC43 and -HKU1 binding, although it is known that HCoV-43 can bind to Neu5,9Ac2α2,6Galβ1,4GlcNAc (9-O-Ac-6SLN) [193]. Distinct from β1CoVs, additional O-acetylation at the C7 or C9-position to Neu5Ac impedes the binding of MERS-CoV (β3CoVs) [112]. Like avian IAV HAs, MERS-CoV S1-NTD prefers Neu5Ac linked to α2,3 over α2,6 [148]. (b) Protein receptors of CoVs. Only virus binding site (VBS), receptor amino acids covering the area of the interface between the protein receptor and the indicated viral S1-CTD, are colored. Ac. No., accession number; BatHa, Hipposideros armiger; camelCd, Camelus dromedaries, batHa, Hipposideros armiger (Ac.No., XP_019522954.1); batRs, Rhinolophus sinicus (Ac.No., AGZ48803.1); batRf, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Ac.No., XP_032963186.1); civet, Paguma larvata (Ac.No., AAX63775.1); pangolin, Manis javanica (Ac.No., XP_017505752.1); human ACE2 (Ac.No., ACT66268); NL, NL63; S1, SARS-CoV; S2, SARS-CoV-2; batTp, Tylonycteris pachypus; camelCb, Camelus bactrianus. Right: Sialyl glycan structure and top view and side view of surface diagrams of protein receptors. VBSs are colored according to the aa sequences on the left-hand side. 6u7e, 6m17, 1pfq are from [194,195,196], respectively.