Data from genome analysis of the past three IAV pandemics, except for the first identified 1918 H1N1 pandemic that remains a mystery, demonstrated that a pandemic emerged from viral reassortment with a human virus gene segment(s) and a nonhuman HA gene segment producing a major viral antigen [19]. Extensive studies on receptor binding specificities of IAVs from different hosts [19,256] have indicated that a nonhuman HA gene must acquire mutations to recognize α2,6Neu5Ac for efficient human-to-human transmission, leading to the development of several techniques for monitoring and assessing IAV pandemic potential, including a viral NA-based assay [257], a glycan microarray assay [258], an evanescent-field-activated fluorescence scanner type glycan array [259] and a glycan strip test [260]. However, occasional direct pig-to-human [261] and human-to-pig [262] transmission of swine and human IAVs, respectively, both of which preferentially bind to α2,6 sialyl glycans, and some avian IAVs, including HPAI H5N1 [263], H7N9 [264], H9N2 [265], H7N2 and H7N3 [266], that were reported to have increased binding to human-type α2,6Neu5Ac have not yet caused a pandemic. In addition to monitoring the α2,3 to α2,6 binding shift of HA, a simple test for monitoring shifts in other factors, such as PB2, should be developed for monitoring the situation of a virus with pandemic potential.