SARS-CoV caused an epidemic outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which was first reported in November 2002 in Foshan, Guangdong in South China and it spread quickly from late February 2003. A global alert was issued by the WHO in March 2003, and it was declared to be contained in July 2003 [212,213]. The cumulative number of confirmed cases of SARS in the global epidemic from 1 November 2002 to 11 July 2003 was 8437 with 813 deaths (case fatality ratio of 9.6%) in 26 countries (29 areas) of 6 WHO regions [6]. In the post-global epidemic of SARS, 15 additional cases with one death from reappearance four times were reported during the period from December 2003 to May 2004. One reappearance with four cases in which only mild symptoms occurred was related to a restaurant serving palm civet meat (three cases) and house rats (one case) in Guangdong, China [214], indicating reintroduction of animal viruses into humans and the importance of effective surveillance for zoonotic diseases [215]. The other three reappearances were related to laboratory accidents in Singapore, Taiwan and China. The viruses from Singapore and Taiwan laboratories were not transmitted to others, while two infected cases from a Beijing laboratory subsequently spread to seven others with close contact, resulting in one death. This evidence indicated the importance of biosafety and biosecurity in a laboratory. Since the announcement by the WHO on 18 May 2004 that the SARS outbreak in China was contained, no SARS case has been reported [216].