2.4.4. Bacterial Infections HCQ is known to exert an antibacterial effect through the alkalinization of infected organelles, inhibiting bacterial replication. In clinical practice, HCQ is not used in monotherapy but in combination with antibiotics, like doxycycline, to improve its bactericidal effects on two main bacteria: Coxiella burnetii and Tropheryma whipplei. C. burnetii is an obligate intraleukocytic Gram-negative bacterium responsible for query fever (Q fever). The infection is mainly caused by direct contact with infected animals, although cases of human transmission have also been described. Q fever diagnosis is primally founded on serological examination and based on a different evolution, acute and chronic infection can be distinguished. In 50% of cases, the acute phase is asymptomatic, but when the acute phase is symptomatic, it is characterized by a febrile illness, myalgia, headache, chills, atypical hepatitis, and pneumonia [122,123]. Approximately 2–5% of C. burnetii infections can develop into the chronic phase, leading to endocarditis and vascular infection. The risk of developing chronic fever is higher in patients with pre-existing vascular disorders or valvulopathies [123,124]. C. burnetii is known to replicate in an intracellular phagolysosome with a pH range of 4–5. However, at this pH, antibiotics, like doxycycline (DXC), exert only a bacteriostatic activity. Therefore, a combination of DXC with a lysosomotropic agent, such as HCQ, was suggested. In fact, HCQ was shown to increase the phagolysosomal compartment’s pH by improving the bactericidal activity of doxycycline [125,126]. The first successful results concerning the treatment of Q fever endocarditis combined with DXC and HCQ date back to 1993 [127]. These results were later confirmed by a case report of a young infected girl, where the treatment with 200 mg/day of DXC and 600 mg/day of HCQ led to a reduction in serum C. burnetii antibodies within 48 h [128]. Furthermore, in a 1999 clinical study, the administration of 100 mg DXC twice daily plus 200 mg HCQ three times daily for at least 18 months led to a short duration of therapy and a reduction in recurrences compared to alternative treatments including DXC plus 200 mg ofloxacin three times daily [129]. Since this moment, all infected subjects have been treated with DXC plus HCQ, as demonstrated by several case reports where this regimen results in an improvement of C. burnetii-related disease [130,131,132,133,134,135,139,140]. Furthermore, in patients with valvulopathy and diagnosticated acute Q fever (serologic criteria of a phase II IgG titer ≥ 200 and a phase II IgM titer ≥ 50) the administration as prophylaxis of DCX plus HCQ for at least 12 months resulted to be efficient in preventing Q fever endocarditis. Contrarily, shorter regimes are associated with a failure of antibiotics prophylaxis [141]. When Q fever endocarditis occurs, the optimal treatment duration with DXC and HCQ seems to be 18 months for native valve patients and 24 months for subjects with prosthetic valves [142]. This duration should only be extended in the absence of favorable serological results. However, long-term treatment with DXC and HCQ is not without important complications, since both can cause photosensitivity [144], abnormal weight gain [145], severe erythroderma, and impaired visual field [142]. Besides, it can be said that while the acute phase of the infection can be treated with only 200 mg/day DXC, the chronic phase is more difficult to treat and therapy with 100 mg DXC twice daily with 200 mg HCQ three times daily for 18–24 months was recommended [146]. Serological titers are used to follow the disease and determine the duration of therapy. On the other hand, T. whipplei is a Gram-positive bacterium responsible for Whipple’s disease. The natural niche of T. whipplei is the human intestine since, in the intestinal mucosa, the bacterium is taken by macrophages, where it replicates [147]. This bacterial infection is primally characterized by digestive tract disorders such as diarrhea (75% of cases), malabsorption, and weight loss (80–90% of cases). Joint disease may appear more than six years before the diagnosis and occur in more than 80% of patients [148]. Furthermore, neurological and cardiac disorders can also be frequently associated with Whipple’s disease. For years the standard treatment for T. whipplei has included a combination of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole; however, relapses were not uncommon [149,150]. Later, in vitro studies, demonstrated that trimethoprim was inactive on this bacterium [154], while sulfamethoxazole induced bacterial resistance, making the co-administration completely ineffective [154,156]. Based on the good results of treating C. burnetii infections, it was decided to test in vitro the association DCX/HCQ on T. whipplei, obtaining good results [154]. DCX/HCQ efficacy on T. whipplei diseases was demonstrated in a clinical trial dated 2014. This study showed that the administration of 200 mg/day DCX and 600 mg/day HCQ to 13 patients results in better outcomes (0/13 failures) even after 1 year of treatment, compared to standard antibiotics regimens [155]. To date, several case reports available in the literature supported a therapy consisting of a combination of HCQ (600 mg/day) and DCX (200 mg/day) for a lifetime or at least one year, followed by a maintenance dosage of DXC used alone [156,157,158]. In some cases, prophylaxis of intravenous ceftriaxone (2g/day) for the first two weeks followed by HCQ/DXC for at least 12–18 months has been recommended [72,159,160,161]. Although HCQ was revealed to be effective against bacterial infections, in the last few years, in light of the current epidemiological situation, the research attention has shifted toward HCQ application as an antiviral agent, as it could be seen in the bubble map (Figure 8). This visual map is obtained by VOSviewer software, analyzing recurring items from all keywords [171].