2.2.4. Coronavirus Disease of 2019 Coronaviruses, belonging to the Coronaviridae family, are enveloped positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses highly distributed in humans and vertebrates like bats, which are proposed as their main reservoir. Specifically, Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19) was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei (China), and it is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus [49]. Since COVID-19 has spread rapidly in many countries, it has quickly become a global pandemic, so it is necessary to develop drugs able to exert antiviral activity against it. A recent study showed HCQ in vitro antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 (EC50 = 0.72 μM) [50]. HCQ seemed to be able to inhibit the first step of the viral replication cycle by interfering with the link between spike (S) viral protein and the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) receptor [8]. It would also appear that HCQ was able to induce changes in cell membrane pH resulting in reduced viral entry and inhibition of the last stages of replication. Moreover, HCQ may abolish the cytokine storm related to the advanced stages of COVID-19 through immunomodulatory activity. To date, several clinical studies are underway to evaluate the efficacy of HCQ for the treatment of COVID-19. In a randomized clinical trial conducted in China, 62 patients with COVID-19 were randomly assigned to two groups: the control and the HCQ groups. Either group received standard treatment including antiviral agents, oxygen therapy, immunoglobulin, and antibacterial agents, with or without corticosteroids, but patients in the HCQ group also received oral HCQ 400 mg/day for five days. During treatment, clinical characteristics, clinical recovery time (TTCR), and radiological results were assessed to determine the effect of HCQ. It was seen that in the HCQ group, the recovery time of body temperature was shorter than in the control group and that the cough remission time was also significantly decreased, while only patients in the control group progressed to severe illness. Furthermore, in the HCQ group, 61.3% of patients showed significant absorption of pneumonia [6]. In another open-label non-randomized French clinical trial, the efficiency of HCQ in reducing the viral count was also demonstrated. In this study, 36 subjects were divided into two groups: 16 patients for the control group and 20 subjects for HCQ who were administered 600 mg/day HCQ. Among the HCQ group, six patients also received 500 mg of AZM for the first day, followed by 250 mg/day for the next four days to prevent super bacterial infections. PCR results from nasopharyngeal samples were negative for 70% of patients treated with HCQ and 12.5% in the control group (p = 0.001) on day six. Furthermore, when the effect of HCQ as monotherapy was compared to that of HCQ + AZM, it was found that at day six, 100% of HCQ + AZM treated subjects were virologically negative compared with 57.1% of patients treated with HCQ as monotherapy [32]. These results suggest a synergistic effect between HCQ and AZM and are supported by an uncontrolled non-comparative observational study conducted by the same France group, in a cohort of 80 slightly infected patients. In this study, HCQ + AZM treated people were 83% virologically negative on day 7 and 93% on day 8; after 10 days of treatment, only 2 subjects still remain contagious. Furthermore, the average duration of hospitalization was found to be 4.6 days after the administration of HCQ plus AZM [33]. However, these last two studies have a limit, as Gautret et al. carried both out. In particular, in the first study, data are available up to 6 days despite the planned 10 days, and in the second study, 6 patients from the previous study were also included. Gautret also conducted a retrospective analysis of 1061 cases in which, after treatment with HCQ + AZM, good virological care and clinical outcomes were found in 973 patients (91.7%) within 10 days. A prolonged viral carriage was observed in only 47 (4.4%) subjects with a high viral load at the moment of hospitalization, but on day 10 the viral culture was negative. Finally, all but one on day 15 were PCR cleared [51]. By contrast, there are results obtained by several clinical studies that dismiss the possible use of HCQ for the treatment of COVID-19. In particular, a prospective study on 11 severe COVID-19 infected patients treated with the same dosage used by Gautret et al. (600 mg/day HCQ and 500 mg AZM for the first day followed by 250 mg/day from day 2 to 5) was shown to provide no evidence of clinical benefits or a strong antiviral activity through the combination of HCQ and AZM [34]. The ineffectiveness of HCQ has also been declared in a multicenter, open-label, randomized controlled trial involving 150 hospitalized infected patients (148 with mild or moderate disease and 2 with severe disease). All subjects were divided into two groups (in a 1:1 ratio): the control group that received only SOC, consisting of antiviral, glucocorticoid, and antiviral, and the group treated with HCQ plus SOC. The administrated dose of HCQ consisted of 200 mg/day for the first three days, followed by 800 mg/day as maintained dosage until the end of the treatment. After 28 days of treatment, there was no significant difference in SARS-CoV-2 negative conversion in either the HCQ + SOC or the SOC group. Similarly, there were no significant differences in the median time to negative conversion and the probability of symptom alleviation within 28 days between HCQ + SOC and the SOC group [35]. Another multicenter, randomized controlled Egyptian trial evaluated, in 194 subjects with COVID-19, the safety and efficacy of HCQ compared to SOC. In terms of mechanical ventilation need and mortality, the addition of HCQ (400 mg twice daily (in day 1) followed by 200 mg tablets twice daily) to SOC was not associated with an improvement of COVID-19 patients’ health [36]. These results were confirmed by a recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted in the USA and Canada. In this study, 419 early and mild COVID-19 subjects were randomly assigned to two groups, the HCQ group treated with 800 mg HCQ once, followed by 600 mg in 6 to 8 h, then 600 mg daily for 4 more days, and the placebo or control group. Within 14 days of treatment, there was no change in the severity of symptoms in non-hospitalized patients between the HCQ group and the placebo group (difference in symptom severity: relative, 12%; absolute, −0.27 points (95% CI, −0.61 to 0.07 points); p = 0.117) [37]. Likewise, 2 studies carried out by Mahévas et al. supported the ineffectiveness of HCQ and highlighted that HCQ administration to COVID-10 patients was highly related to ECG modification [38,39]. ECG modification, resulting in QT-interval prolongation, is a characteristic side effect associated with HCQ treatment that has been shown in several clinical studies on patients infected with COVID-19. In particular, the risk of QT-interval prolongation was increased when HCQ was associated with AZM, as demonstrated in a cohort of 84 patients who received 400 mg twice-daily HCQ plus 500 mg/day AZM. In these patients, on day 3.6 ± 1.6 of therapy, the EGC showed a QTc prolongation from a baseline average of 435 ± 24 ms (mean ± SD) to a maximal average value of 463 ± 32 ms. Moreover, in nine subjects (11%) there was a severe prolongation of QTc to > 500 ms (baseline average of 447 ± 30 ms to 527 ± 17 ms (p < 0.01 (one-sample t-test)) [52]. This complication was also confirmed in a retrospective study of 251 COVID-19 patients treated with HCQ/AZM [53]. It seems that a predictor of extreme QTc prolongation was renal failure and that its incidence increased with longer treatment. The probability of QTc prolongation may also increase in the presence of other factors such as previous cardiovascular diseases, metabolic degeneration (hypoxia, pH, multiorgan system failure, and electrolyte abnormalities), age, and sex (females seem to be more at risk) [54]. Therefore, since QTc prolongation to more than 500 ms is known to be associated with a high risk for malignant arrhythmia and fatal stroke, recent guidance suggests the ECG screening with QTc evaluation in COVID-19-infected patients treated with novel therapies including HCQ/AZM [55]. It has also been suggested that the use of drugs that block late sodium channels (mexiletine or lidocaine) and close attention to serum electrolytes, in addition to the evaluation of heart rate and QT intervals, may allow the administration of HCQ/AZM even in subjects with prolonged QT intervals [54]. Despite the lack of real antiviral evidence related to HCQ administration, this drug has also been investigated as a possible prophylactic agent. In fact, the pharmacokinetics of HCQ, like its long half-life and the high concentration in the lung (500-times higher than blood concentration), has made it an ideal candidate for prophylactic use [56]. The first study conducted on this line was performed in South Korea on 211 virus-exposed individuals, including 189 patients and 22 care-workers. The HCQ administration (400 mg day) as post-exposure prophylaxis resulted in the negative follow-up PCR tests after the end of 14 days of quarantine period (only 97.4% of patients and 95.5% of care-workers completed the study) [40]. However, it is necessary to consider that this is a single-center clinical study with a high risk of bias and that a subsequent randomized clinical study has denied it. In particular, Boulware D.R. et al., in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, tested HCQ as a prophylactic agent within 4 days after virus exposure. There were 821 asymptomatic participants randomly assigned to receive either placebo or HCQ (800 mg once, followed by 600 mg in 6 to 8 h, then 600 mg per day for 4 additional days). After 14 days of treatment, it was demonstrated that HCQ did not prevent COVID-19 infection when compared to placebo, since the incidence of illnesses compatible with Covid-19 disease did not differ significantly between subjects receiving HCQ (49 of 414 (11.8%)) or placebo (58 of 407 (14.3%)). Furthermore, the onset of side effects was more frequent in patients treated with HCQ than placebo (40.1% vs. 16.8%) [41]. To better assess the incidence of side effects linked to HCQ administration as post-exposure prophylaxis, a cross-sectional study was conducted among 140 doctors. Sixty nine adverse events were documented in 44 subjects (31%); the most common reported symptoms were headache followed by nausea, dizziness, abdominal cramps, and loose stools, while hypoglycemia was seen in only three diabetic participants [57]. Hence, even if the side effects highlighted were not serious, it is recommended to take the utmost care before using HCQ for COVID-19 chemoprophylaxis. The ineffectiveness of HCQ administration as post-exposure prophylaxis has also been demonstrated by an in vivo study on macaques. Maisonnasse P. et al. tested different treatment strategies, including HCQ alone or in combination with AZM, in comparison to placebo. All the treatments were administrated before or after viral load. It was seen that when HCQ was administrated as pre-exposure prophylaxis, it did not protect against the acquisition of the infection. Similarly, neither HCQ nor HCQ + AZM had beneficial effects in improving viral infection’s symptoms [58], confirming previously analyzed clinical studies’ negative results. Several case reports have supported all these results since people already using HCQ for a long time to treat inflammatory diseases also showed severe illness related to COVID-19 [59,60]. In the light of collected data, despite the success of the first clinical trials, the latest studies have shown the ineffectiveness of HCQ for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 infection. So that, if the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had initially authorized the use of HCQ in case of emergency [61], in June 2020, the FDA revoked this authorization [62] since the potential HCQ effectiveness in treating COVID-19 was overtaken by severe cardiac adverse events and other serious side effects. In fact, there is the need to consider that in subjects with severe COVID-19, the abundance of inflammatory molecules like interleukins and tumor necrosis factors generate a cytokine storm, leading to a septic shock and multiple organ failure. In hepatic and renal dysfunction, HCQ metabolism and clearance were compromised and its safety is altered. Moreover, recently the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines on the management of critically ill patients with COVID-19 concluded that there was insufficient evidence to recommend the routine use of HCQ in patients admitted in ICU [63]. In the same way, the American College of Physicians practice guidelines do not recommend HCQ for prophylaxis or treatment [64]. International trials like SOLIDARITY (International trial by World Health Organisation) [65], RECOVERY (Randomised Evaluation of Covid-19 Therapy) [66], and DISCOVERY (Trial of Treatments for COVID-19 in Hospitalized Adults) [67] have also stopped the HCQ arm. In particular, the World Health Organisation (WHO), in the SOLIDARITY trial project, has arrested all arms involving HCQ, as evidence showed that it did not reduce the mortality of hospitalized COVID-19 patients compared with SOC. However, this decision was not applied to HCQ use or evaluation in pre- or post-exposure prophylaxis for subjects exposed to COVID-19 [68]. To conclude, the HCQ treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection was not met with its hoped success. This is probably related to the inability of the dosing regimens currently in use to achieve the blood concentration required for the HCQ antiviral activity. Initially, based on physiological pharmacokinetic models, Yao et al. recommended for SARS-CoV-2 infection a loading oral HCQ dose of 400 mg twice daily, followed by a maintenance dose of 200 mg administered twice daily for four days [50]. However, this recommended HCQ dosage regimen was based only on the ratio of free lung trough concentration to in vitro EC50 values (the EC50 of HCQ for SARS-CoV-2 ranged between 0.72 and 17.31µM) and did not consider the tendency of HCQ to accumulate within acidic cellular organelles like endosomes, lysosomes, and Golgi apparatus [69]. In fact, it has been demonstrated that HCQ concentration in lysosomes is higher than the extracellular concentration (80 µM vs. 0.5 µM, respectively) [70]. Based on these results, it was considered necessary to compare the EC50 values obtained in vitro with the plasma concentration and not with the lung concentration. In a study investigating HCQ pharmacokinetics in COVID-19 patients treated with 600 mg/day of HCQ, it was found that the mean blood concentration of HCQ was 0.46 mg/day [32], which was below the lowest estimated levels of 0.48 mg/mL corresponding to the in vitro concentration of 0.72 µM. Further, a plasma concentration predicted for HCQ antiviral EC50 made by Garcia-Cremades et al. found that it should be 4,7 µM corresponding to 1.58 mg/mL, which is much higher than in vivo plasmatic values. To reach this plasma concentration, it should be necessary to take an amount of HCQ higher than 400 mg twice a day for five days or more [71], which would increase the onset of side effects. Thus, the ineffectiveness of HCQ antiviral activity again SARS-CoV-2 can be related to the low current dosing regimens and the impossibility to increase the administered doses due to the increased risk of severe side effects, especially QT prolongation.