In contrast, HCQ seems to affect the improvement of CHIKV chronic phase diseases. In a recent multicenter study, the efficacy of HCQ was evaluated in 39 patients with rheumatic manifestation related to CHIKV chronic phase. In four subjects, the treatment was interrupted due to the onset of side effects such as nausea, stomatitis, rash, headache, while the evolution of CHIKV disease was evaluated in only 22 patients. After three months of treatment, evidence of synovitis was disappeared in 10 of 20 subjects (50%) with swollen joins while complete remission was verified in five patients (19.2%) [27]. However, another study demonstrated that the effects of HCQ in combination with MXT and sulfasalazine were superior to those shown in monotherapy. In particular, in a randomized controlled open-label study, the impact of HCQ in monotherapy or association with MTX and sulfasalazine was assessed in 72 patients with chronic persistent chikungunya arthritis. In this trial, 400 mg/day HCQ were administrated to 35 subjects, while a combination of 15 mg/day MTX, 1 g/day sulfasalazine, and 400 mg/day HCQ was administrated to 37 patients. Either treatment lasted 24 weeks and for the first 6 weeks, both groups received an escalated dose of prednisone (7.5 mg/day). At the end of the 24th week, only the combination of drugs improved disease activity and reduced disability and pain [28]. These results, following those obtained in a previous uncontrolled 16-week study, since a reduction in ACR score was shown after MTX (15–20 mg/weekly) and HCQ (400 mg/day) administration to CHIKV infected patients with persistent inflammatory polyarthritis [29].