3.5 GO Functional Annotation of the DEPs To characterize the DEPs, GO analysis was conducted to annotate the proteins based on three major categories: biological process (BP), cellular component (CC), and molecular function (MF). Within the BP category, the proteins were predicted to be involved in 13 biological processes, including immune system process, reproductive process, biological adhesion, multiorganism process, detoxification, multicellular organismal process, developmental process, localization, and so on (Figure 3A; Supplementary File S3), among which those associated with multiorganism process, detoxification, and localization were significantly enriched (Figure 3B); within the CC category, the proteins were predicted to be primarily distributed within 9 different cellular components, such as synapse, extracellular region, membrane, organelle, and cell part (Figure 3A), with the significantly enriched being located in the membrane, organelle and cell part (Figure 3B); and within the MF category, the proteins were predicted to be linked with 8 molecular functions, for instance, structural molecule activity, transporter activity, and antioxidant activity (Figure 3A), but no GO term was identified as significantly enriched within this category (Figure 3B). Figure 3 GO functional annotation of the 78 differentially expressed proteins identified in IPEC-J2 cells upon PDCoV infection. (A) GO annotations for the upregulated and downregulated proteins. The proteins were annotated into three major categories: biological process (BP), cellular component (CC), and molecular function (MF). The abscissa text indicates the name and classification of GO terms. The pink and blue columns represent the upregulated and downregulated proteins, respectively, with the number of altered proteins being marked on top of each column. (B) GO enrichment analysis for the upregulated and downregulated proteins. The name and classification of each GO term are indicated in the abscissa. Each column denotes a GO term, and the height of the column represents the enrichment rate. The color implies the significance of the enrichment (p-value), and the darker the color, the more significant the enrichment of the GO term (Fisher’s exact test; *p < 0.05).