As a newly emerged swine enteropathogenic coronavirus, the pathogenic mechanisms of PDCoV are still poorly documented and warrant further exploration.1 It is well-known that when a virus invades a host cell, complex interactions between the host cell and the virus will occur. On the one hand, the invading virus subverts some of the cellular biological functions in favor of the replication of the virus itself; on the other, the cells adopt various defense strategies to fight against the invading virus.15 The whole process of virus–cell interactions is usually accompanied by changes of genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics.16 Recently, a systematic transcriptome analysis of PDCoV-infected PK-15 cells was conducted using high-throughput RNA sequencing, and 3762 differentially expressed genes were identified, most of which participate in the innate immunity and the corresponding signal transduction pathways.17 As of yet, however, no proteomic data are currently available for PDCoV-infected cells.