Figure 1 Brief summary of the chemical composition and biological activities of royal jelly, bee pollen, and propolis along with their effects on aged skeletal muscle and possible underlying mechanism. ↑ denotes increase, ↓ denotes decrease, MRJPs: major royal jelly proteins, 10-HDA: trans-10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid, GI: gastrointestinal. Panels (A,B) describe the composition and the biological properties of royal jelly, bee pollen, and propolis. Thanks to their rich structure (which consists of proteins, polyphenols, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements) [2,28,37,49,59,60,61,68,80,86], these bee substances demonstrate a wide range of therapeutic activities such as counteracting inflammation and oxidative stress, in addition to many others [37,38,39,43,45,63,83]. Panel (C) summarizes the effects of royal jelly, bee pollen, and propolis on skeletal muscle. These products increased muscle mass [36,54,95,96] and restored muscle function in old [36,38,95,96,97] and exhausted [54,90,101,106] animal models. As shown in Panel (D), these effects originated from multiple molecular events that resulted in several therapeutic actions including amelioration of inflammation [36,38,90,101,107,108] and oxidative [95,106,109,110] damages, metabolic regulation [69,70,96,100,106,109,111,112], enhancements of satellite cell responsiveness [96,97], improving muscular blood supply [110], inhibition of catabolic genes [97], and promotion of peripheral neuronal regeneration [113]. However, future studies could examine the involvement of other possible mechanisms in the muscle-enhancing potential of these bee products such as the role of gut microbiome in the absorption of nutrient contents of bee products. It is not clear if these api-materials affect muscle quality via modulation of sex steroids and signaling pathways of dietary restriction, which are known to affect muscle integrity.