Propolis treatment for four weeks restored gastrocnemius muscle weight and improved functional performance (e.g., walking) in rats with crush injury of the sciatic nerve. Effects of propolis were associated with increased nerve healing and regeneration as depicted by faster healing of the myelin sheath and ultra-structurally normal unmyelinated axons and Schwann cells. Investigations of motor conduction from the sciatic nerve to the gastrocnemius muscle indicated that nerve recovery induced by propolis treatment promoted optimal physical functioning by allowing motor conduction to reach the gastrocnemius muscle [113]. Neuroprotective effects of propolis in motor neurons are documented in the literature. Both kaempferide and kaempferol protected motor neurons against atrophy induced by the toxic copper-zinc superoxide dismutase in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis—a serious neurodegenerative disease that involves selective and progressive loss of motor neurons [65]. In addition, orally administered chrysin (a flavonoid that is copious in propolis) to rats intoxicated by 6-hydroxidopamine showed neuroprotective effects by mitigating neuroinflammation, enhancing levels of neurotrophins and neuronal recovery factors (e.g., brain derived neurotrophic factor and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor), and maintaining integrity of dopaminergic neurons resulting in better motor performance [72].