Gavage naturally-enriched milk with PUFA and propolis polyphenols (PUFA/P-M: 5 mL/kg body weight /85 d) 21-d old male Wistar rats EG: HFD + PUFA/P-MCG1: HFD + waterCG2: HFD + whole milkCG3: HFD + PUFA milkCG 4: standard chow + waterN.B. All treatments were repeated in absence of HFD Weight gain, mass of internal organs and the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles, and glucose tolerance. Among all treatments in obese rats, only PUFA/P-m increased gastrocnemius muscle mass (tended to increase soleus muscle mass) and mesenteric fat and tended to lower LDL levels. It decreased the size of adipocytes compared with all groups except PUFA milk with no effect on body weight. [105]