Lastly, although the individual use of the described therapeutics can be beneficial, yet a combination of the above drugs with each other and/or with those that impact the early stage of the viral life cycle will likely lead to a higher success rate in treating the critically ill patients. The clinical outcome is likely to be further improved by the addition of immune-therapeutics and anticoagulants to address the issues of cytokine storm and coagulopathies, respectively. Based on initial results, remdesivir, favipiravir, EIDD-2801, and selinexor appear to carry the most promising therapeutic effects. In fact, on May 1, 2020, the U.S. FDA issued an emergency use authorization for remdesivir to be distributed and used by licensed health care providers to treat adults and children hospitalized with severe COVID-19 [25]. On May 30, 2020, the Russian Health Ministry approved a generic version of favipiravir named avifavir for the treatment of COVID-19 in the hospital settings [10].