On the other hand, quercetin is a natural penta-hydroxylated flavonoid (Figure 9). Similar to resveratrol, quercetin possesses antioxidant, oxygen scavenging, anti-inflammatory, and cardioprotective effects. Quercetin also inhibits platelet aggregation and lipid peroxidation and affects the function of several kinases [282]. Importantly, quercetin also exhibits a wide spectrum antiviral activity against DNA and RNA viruses. For example, quercetin inhibited several respiratory viruses in cultured cells. It also inhibited the cytopathic effects of rhinoviruses, echoviruses, coxsackieviruses, and polioviruses [283,284,285]. Quercetin also significantly reduced plaque formation by polio virus, herpes simplex virus 1, respiratory syncytial virus, and parainfluenza virus [286]. Furthermore, quercetin inhibited the replication of cytomegalovirus and dengue virus 2 [287]. The antiviral effects of quercetin are thought to be because it either blocks the virus entry or inhibits the viral replication enzymes, i.e., viral polymerases [288]. Other flavonoids have recently been reported as potential inhibitors of Mpro [289]. Accordingly, the effect of quercetin alone as a prophylactic or as a treatment is being tested in COVID-19 patients (NCT04377789; 50). It is also being tested with zinc, bromelain, and vitamin C (NCT04468139; n = 60).