3.6.5. SALMON Solvent accessibility, ligand binding, and mapping of ligand orientation by NMR spectroscopy (SALMON) is another method based on the data obtained via nuclear Overhauser effect. This method utilizes WaterLOGSY [401] to probe for solvent accessibility to the ligand and determine the orientation of the ligand by analyzing signal changes in WaterLOGSY spectra (positive signal from unbound ligand vs. negative for protein-bound ligands). This method was first used to determine the orientation of prodrug called tretazicar ((5-(aziridin-1-yl)-2,4-dinitrobenzamide) known as CB1954 in NQO2 (quinone oxidoreductase 2) binding site. Previous attempts had been made to obtain the orientation of tretazicar bounded to NQO2, however the results obtained from X-ray crystallography were inconclusive as two orientations of tretazicar could be possible. The information obtained via SALMON showed that the side chain of asparagine at position 161 formed a hydrogen bond with 2-nitrogroup of tretazicar, and that the aziridine moiety of tretazicar pointed toward the solvent [401].