Lastly, a method termed non-uniform sampling (NUS) may provide an advantage by reducing the total time for measurement while maintaining the same resolution of spectra [117]. NUS effectively skips over parts of the total dataset, collecting only around 20 to 30% of the total. Usually sections containing higher concentrations of signal (over noise) are emphasized in the selection scheme, known as non-linear data acquisition. These methods reconstruct the complete data subset by applying various algorithms such as multidimensional decomposition (MDD), which essentially separates the sets of multidimensional data into one dimensional problems that are much easier to solve given the common process of signal overlapping in multidimensional NMR spectra [117]. Other algorithms such as compressed sensing (CS), Maximum entropy method (Max Ent) and Iterative soft threshold (IST) each have their own advantages but all focus on decreasing the time needed for collection of spectra [117,451]. The cost is in signal to noise, as no gain is ever absolutely free.