Table 6 (a) Vitamin D supplementation for treatment childhood respiratory tract infections; (b) Vitamin D supplementation for prevention of childhood respiratory tract infections. Study Author Country Study Population Dosage Results (a) Vitamin D supplementation for treatment childhood respiratory tract infections Effects of vitamin D supplementation to children diagnosed with pneumonia in Kabul: a randomised controlledtrial. Manaseki-Holland et al., 2010[155] Afghanistan 453 children with pneumonia Single dose 100,000 IU No significant difference in the number of days needed to recover. Lower risk of recurrence in the intervention group. Vitamin D supplementation for severe pneumonia—a randomized controlled trial. Choudhary et al., 2012[157] India 200 children with severe pneumonia 1000 IU if <1 y or 2000 IU if >1 y, once a day for 5 days No beneficial effects on resolution of severe pneumonia. Trial of vitamin D supplementation in infants with bronchiolitis: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Saad et al., 2015[161] Egypt 89 infants with bronchiolitis 100 IU/kg/day for at least 5 days during hospital stay Significant improvement in the duration of hospitalization and time taken to improve oral feeding. Efficacy of vitamin D in children with pneumonia: a randomized control trial study. Dhungel et al., 2015[162] Pakistan 200 children with pneumonia Single dose 100,000 IU Lower recurrence of pneumonia, similar duration of hospital stay. The effects of vitamin D supplementation in respiratory index of severity in children (risc) of hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia: a double-blind randomized clinical trial Rahmati et al., 2016[164] Iran Children hospitalized with pneumonia. 50,000 IU per day for 2 days Lower duration of antibiotic use; other clinical characteristics were similar (fever, retractions, tachypnea, poor feeding, etc.). Vitamin D supplementation for treatment and prevention of pneumonia in under-5 children: a randomizeddouble-blind placebo-controlled trial. Gupta et al., 2016[165] India 324 children with severe pneumonia Single dose 100,000 IU No significant difference in duration of hospitalization, complete resolution of symptoms and risk of recurrent pneumonia; slightly quicker resolution of severe respiratory distress (1 h). Therapeutic effect of vitamin D in acute lower respiratory infection: A randomized controlled trial. Somnath et al., 2017[166] India 154 children with ALRI Single dose 100,000 IU No significant difference in the duration of hospital stay nor in the secondary outcomes (mortality, PICU admissions, complications, recurrence, etc.). Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation in the Prevention of Recurrent Pneumonia in Under-5 Children. Singh et al., 2019[169] India 100 children with pneumonia 300,000 IU quarterly No significant difference in ARI recurrence. (b) Vitamin D supplementation for prevention of childhood respiratory tract infections Randomized trial vitamin D supplementation to prevent seasonal influenza A in schoolchildren. Influenza children. Urashima et al., 2010 [156] Japan Over 300 schoolchildren 1200 IU/die during winter months Reduced influenza A infections. Effect on the incidence of pneumonia of vitamin D supplementation by quarterly bolus dose to infants in Kabul: a randomised controlled superiority trial. Manaseki-Holland et al., 2012[158] Afghanistan Over 3000 children 100,000 IU once every 3 months for 18 months No decrease in incidence of pneumonia. Randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation and risk of acute respiratory infection in Mongolia. Camargo et al., 2012 [159] Mongolia 247 children Milk fortified with vitamin D from January to March Significantly lower ARI episodes during the study period. Baseline serum vitamin D level: 7 ng/mL. Effects of vitamin D supplements on influenza A illness during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic: a randomized controlledtrial. Urashima et al., 2014 [160] Japan 247 high school students 2000 IU/day for 2 months No decrease in incidence of influenza A infections. Reduced primary care respiratory infection visits following pregnancy and infancy vitamin D supplementation: a randomised controlled trial. Grant et al., 2015 [163] New Zealand Healthy pregnant women and their infants up to 6 months of age Standard daily dose (1000 IU/400 IU) vs. high dose (2000 IU/800 IU) Less primary care visits for ARI up to age 18 months. Preventive effects of vitamin D on seasonal influenza A in infants: a multicenter, randomized, open, controlled clinical trial. Zhou et al., 2018 [167] China 400 infants Low dose (400 IU) vs. high dose (1200 IU) daily for 4 months More frequent influenza A infection in the low dose group. Vitamin D Supplementation Associated with Acute Respiratory Infection in Exclusively Breastfed Infants. Miao Hong et al., 2019[168] China Infants up to 6 months 400–600 IU/day from birth to 6 months of age Longer period before the first ARI episode in infants with supplementation. Effect of Vitamin D supplementation to reduce respiratory infections in children and adolescents in Vietnam: A randomized controlled trial. Loeb et al., 2019 [170] Vietnam 1330 healthy children and adolescents 14,000 IU/week for 8 months Similar incidence of influenza but moderately reduced incidence of other respiratory viral infections. ARI, acute respiratory infection. PICU, pediatric intensive care unit.