Omega-3 fatty acids metabolites resolvins are effective in inhibiting neutrophil migration, reducing further neutrophil entry in the inflammation site [198,199]. Furthermore, SPMs exercise a potent anti-inflammatory action, also reducing tissue neutrophil activation and preventing tissue damage [197,200]. In order to obtain tissue resolution of inflammation, it is essential the clearance of apoptotic neutrophils and protectins stimulate phagocytosis of apoptotic cells mediated by macrophages [201,202,203,204,205]. Furthermore, SPMs stimulate natural killer cells to trigger granulocyte apoptosis, accelerating the clearance of apoptotic polymorphonuclear leukocytes [206]. The anti-inflammatory response is promoted by SPMs also by dampening cytokine production. A study of Ariel et al. suggests that pro-resolving mediators upregulate CCR5 expression on apoptotic, activated T cells, thus sequestering pro-inflammatory cytokines, and promoting the resolution of the inflammation [207].