Swab–to–RT-LAMP assay For direct and hot swab–to–RT-LAMP assays, patient swab specimens were transferred first onto a 96-well seed plate. For the direct assay, we then transferred 1 μl of the specimen directly to 19 μl of LAMP mix per well in a ready-made 96-well PCR plate (0030128672, Eppendorf). The plate was sealed using a transparent adhesive foil (GK480-OS, Kisker Biotech) and kept on an ice-cold metal block. For the hot assay, we sealed the seed plate with a pierceable lid (4ti-0566/96, Brooks Life Sciences) and heated it in a PCR cycler for 5 min at 95°C (with the lid heated to 105°C). The seed plate was cooled down to 4°C on an ice-cold metal block. Afterward, 1 μl of the heat-treated patient specimens was quickly added to a second ready-made plate with 19 μl of LAMP mix per well. This plate was also sealed with transparent adhesive foil (GK480-OS, Kisker Biotech). Both plates were then incubated at 65°C for the LAMP reaction to proceed. For both swab–to–RT-LAMP assays, the PCR plates were briefly spun down and then incubated in a PCR cycler at 65°C for 10 to 60 min (with the lid heated to 75°C). To perform measurements at the indicated time points, the reactions were taken out of the PCR cycler and placed into an ice-cold metal block for 30 s.