Island-specific differences in the species composition of the microbiome. (a) Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling of the Bray Curtis similarity resemblance matrix, with ellipses at 95% confidence interval. n = 100 (b) Fold differences in LDA mean proportions of differentially abundant species in Waiben and Mer. Bars were sorted based on the sequential ranking of significance and separated by the two populations. Only taxa significant at a logarithmic LDA score ≥3 and a factorial Kruskal-Wallis test Alpha (α)≤0.05 are shown. n = 100 (c) A phylogenetic tree based on the NCBI taxonomy of differentially abundant species identified using LEfSe. All species designated ‘unclassified’ were not used in generating the tree. Branches/edges are colored according to phylum rank classification and terminal nodes/species labels are colored based on study site overrepresentation. n = 100.