There were five comparisons of the PTEN-3’UTR luciferase reporter activity when putative PTEN ceRNAs were depleted, which were reported in Figure 1 of this study and Figure 3C of Tay et al., 2011. Only one of the effects, control siRNA compared to ZNF460 siRNA, was consistent in direction and when considering if the effect size point estimate of each study was within the confidence interval of the other study, suggesting the null hypothesis that there is no difference in reporter activity can not be rejected (Figure 5A). The other effects were inconsistent in whether the direction of the effect was the same between the two studies, if the effect size of one study was within the confidence interval of the other study, or both. Additionally, the meta-analyses were not statistically significant, with all but one of the effects having large confidence intervals around the meta-analysis effect size along with statistically significant Cochran’s Q tests (siNC and siSERINC1, p=0.013; siNC and siVAPA, p=0.0019; siNC and siPTEN, p=0.0054) suggesting heterogeneity between the original and replication studies.