3.1. Open Reading Frames and Sequence Isolates for CoV-2-Cons Sequence Creation For creation of the CoV-2 Consensus sequence, nucleotide sequences from 1731 SARS-CoV-2 genomes were aligned and a full genome nucleotide consensus was created, 23 open reading frames (ORF) were then located in the alignment using the NC_045512.2 and the Finkel et al. [46] coordinates and translated to amino acids. Of the 23 ORF, 12 were canonical ORF as annotated in NC_045512.2 and 11 in alternative reading frames described by Finkel et al. [46] (Table 1). In addition, the membrane protein glycoprotein (M), is completely embedded inside an extended ORF (exORFM) without any frameshifts and was not used for separate OLP set design.