> top > docs > PMC:7558914 > spans > 11841-13524 > annotations

PMC:7558914 / 11841-13524 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue tao:has_database_id
297 116-129 Gene denotes interleukin-6 Gene:3569
298 131-141 Gene denotes fibrinogen Gene:2244
299 156-174 Gene denotes C-reactive protein Gene:1401
300 1090-1097 Species denotes patient Tax:9606
301 637-650 Chemical denotes dexamethasone MESH:D003907
302 652-670 Chemical denotes methylprednisolone MESH:D008775
303 675-685 Chemical denotes prednisone MESH:D011241
304 687-700 Chemical denotes Dexamethasone MESH:D003907
305 813-831 Chemical denotes Methylprednisolone MESH:D008775
306 972-982 Chemical denotes prednisone MESH:D011241
307 1120-1131 Chemical denotes Tocilizumab MESH:C502936
308 1434-1443 Chemical denotes sarilumab MESH:C000592401
309 1445-1456 Chemical denotes baricitinib MESH:C000596027
310 1458-1468 Chemical denotes colchicine MESH:D003078
311 1470-1483 Chemical denotes ciclosporin A MESH:D016572
312 1485-1494 Chemical denotes sirolimus MESH:D020123
313 1496-1506 Chemical denotes tacrolimus MESH:D016559
314 1512-1521 Chemical denotes vitamin D MESH:D014807
315 42-46 Disease denotes ARDS MESH:D012128


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue hp_id
T23 61-86 Phenotype denotes cytokine release syndrome http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HP_0033041


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T77 0-186 Sentence denotes All protocol considered the management of ARDS with signs of cytokine release syndrome, which included elevation of interleukin-6, fibrinogen, D-dimer, and C-reactive protein levels [9].
T78 187-340 Sentence denotes The therapies (corticosteroids, anticytokine or immunomodulatory agents, and immunoglobulin therapy) were recommended once these syndromes were observed.
T79 341-440 Sentence denotes The choice of which therapy to use was made by physicians according to their own clinical judgment.
T80 441-574 Sentence denotes Corticosteroids were widely included in all protocols; indeed, only 2 out of 15 hospitals did not include any corticosteroid regimen.
T81 575-686 Sentence denotes There was a total of five corticosteroid regimens, which used dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, or prednisone.
T82 687-764 Sentence denotes Dexamethasone was recommended in eight protocols with two different regimens:
T83 765-812 Sentence denotes 20 mg (5/8, 62.5%) or 40 mg (3/8, 37.5%) daily.
T84 813-887 Sentence denotes Methylprednisolone was included in 13 protocols with 2 different regimens:
T85 888-944 Sentence denotes 125–250 mg (8/13, 61.5%) or 1 mg/kg (5/13, 38.5%) daily.
T86 945-1020 Sentence denotes Only one protocol included prednisone with a single regimen of 40 mg daily.
T87 1021-1119 Sentence denotes The duration of treatment varied from 3 to 10 days, depending on the patient’s clinical condition.
T88 1120-1227 Sentence denotes Tocilizumab was recommended in all protocols with the same dosage (400 or 600 mg) according to body weight.
T89 1228-1297 Sentence denotes Anakinra was included in seven protocols with six different regimens.
T90 1298-1367 Sentence denotes Immunoglobulins were included as possible therapy in three protocols.
T91 1368-1552 Sentence denotes In six protocols, other optional therapies were included, such as sarilumab, baricitinib, colchicine, ciclosporin A, sirolimus, tacrolimus, and vitamin D, according to clinical trials.
T92 1553-1683 Sentence denotes Dosage and durations of corticosteroids, anticytokine or immunomodulatory agents, and immunoglobulin therapy are shown in Table 3.